Bookkeeping Contract Template (Free Sample)

Here is What's in the Contract for Bookkeeping Services:

  • An easy-to-customize contract between a bookkeeper and client
  • Sections listing services provided, fee schedule, deliverables, and more
  • Created (and approved) by legal experts

Bookkeeping Contract Template

This Bookkeeping Agreement (“Agreement”) is being made between [Client Name] (“Client”) located at [Street Address, City, State] and [Accountant Name] (“Accountant”) located at [Street Address, City, State].  [Client Name] and [Accountant Name] may also be referred to as “Party” or together as the “Parties”.  This Agreement will become effective on [Month DD, 20YY] (“Effective Date”).

IN CONSIDERATION OF the Accountant providing bookkeeping services as desired by the Client, and the Client paying the Accountant for performing bookkeeping services, the Parties agree to the following:

1.  Services

    The Accountant agrees to perform the following services (“Services”):

    a.  [Insert service here];
    b.  [Insert service here];
    c.  [Insert service here];
    d.  [Insert service here]; 
    e.  [Insert service here].

    2.  Rate

      Option One (Paid In Full): The Client will pay the Accountant a fixed rate of $X,XXX.00 for the Services.  Payment must be made upon signing this Agreement and must be paid via [cash/check/PayPal/Venmo].  By signing this Agreement, the Accountant acknowledges receipt of payment in full from the Client.

      Option Two (Deposit): The Client will pay the Accountant a fixed rate of $X,XXX.00 for the Services.  A down payment of fifty percent (50%) of the total cost of the Services must be made upon signing this Agreement and must be paid via [cash/check/PayPal/Venmo].  The remaining balance must be paid within fourteen (14) business days following termination of this Agreement.

      Option Three (Monthly): The Client will pay the Accountant a monthly rate of $XXX.00 for the Services.  Payment must be made via [cash/check/PayPal/Venmo] and is due on the first day of every month beginning on the Effective Date/[Month DD, 20YY].

      3.  Standard of Performance

        The Accountant acknowledges and represents they have the necessary training, experience, and credentials required to perform the Services.  The Accountant agrees to follow professional standards and expectations when providing the Services.  The Accountant also agrees to follow all applicable laws. 

        4.  Term and Termination

          Option One: This Agreement will begin on the Effective Date and will remain in effect for one (1) year.  

          Option Two: This Agreement will begin on the Effective Date and will remain in effect for one (1) year.  After the first year, this Agreement will continue on a month-to-month basis.  During this time, either Party may terminate this Agreement by providing the other Party with a thirty (30) day written notice.  

          Either Party may terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without notice, if the other Party fails to meet their obligations under this Agreement.

          5.  Data and Confidentiality

            The Client agrees to provide the Accountant with all data and documents necessary for the Accountant to perform the Services.  The Accountant is not responsible for inaccurate and/or missing data and documents.

            In providing the Services, the Accountant may be exposed to the Client’s confidential data.  The Accountant agrees to hold all confidential data in complete confidence during the term of this Agreement as well as after termination.

            6.  Dispute Resolution
            a.  Negotiation. In the event of a dispute, the Parties agree to work towards a resolution through good faith negotiation.
            b.  Arbitration and Choice of Law. Any dispute or claim that is not successfully resolved through negotiation must be resolved by binding arbitration in the State of [State].  This Agreement will be interpreted based on the laws of the State of [State], regardless of any conflict of law issues that may arise.
            c.  Attorney’s Fees. The prevailing party will be able to recover its attorney’s fees and other reasonable costs for a dispute resolved by binding arbitration.

            7.  General
            a.  Assignment.  The Parties may not assign the responsibilities they have under this Agreement to anyone else.
            b.  Complete Contract.  This Agreement constitutes the Parties entire understanding of their rights and obligations.  This Agreement supersedes any other written or verbal communications between the Parties.  Any subsequent changes to this Agreement must be made in writing and signed by the Parties.
            c.  No Exclusivity. The Parties understand this Agreement is not an exclusive arrangement.  The Parties agree they are free to enter into other similar agreements with other parties. 
            d.  Severability.  If any section of this Agreement is found to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the rest of this Agreement will still be enforceable.
            e.  Relationship of the Parties.  The Parties to this Agreement are independent contractors.  Neither Party is an agent, representative, partner, or employee of the other Party.
            f.  Waiver.  Neither Party can waive any provision of this Agreement, or any rights or obligations under this Agreement, unless agreed to in writing.   If any provision, right, or obligation is waived, it’s only waived to the extent agreed to in writing.

            8.  Notices

              All notices under this Agreement must be sent by email with read receipt, or by certified or registered U.S. Postal Service mail with return receipt requested.

              Notices must be sent to:

              [Client Name]

              [Accountant Name]

              [First Name Last Name]

              [First Name Last Name]

              [Street Address]

              [Street Address]

              [City, State, Zip Code]

              [City, State, Zip Code]

              [Email Address]

              [Email Address]

              By signing below, the Parties agree to the terms of this Agreement.

              [Client Name]

              Signed:       ___________________

              Name:                        ___________________

              Date:              ___________________

              [Accountant Name]

              Signed:          ___________________

              Name:                        ___________________

              Title:               ___________________

              Date:              ___________________

              Need help setting up? We’re here to help
              We’re available by email, phone, or over a Zoom call to support you whenever you need it.